Samuel Van Hoogstraten, "Letter rack with golden chain and medallion", 1666.
46 x 58.5 cm
Samuel Van Hoogstraten, "Trompe-l'oeil stilleven", 1655.
Samuel Van Hoogstraten, Trompe-l'oeil with a letter, comb and other utensils, c. 1653-1654.
Edwaert Collier, Trompe-l'oeil letter rack with writing materials, documents and a medal of Charles I, ca. 1701-1702.
Edwaert Collier, Still life with books, globes, documents, writing utensils and a violin, 1697.
Cornelis Kruys, Still life with music related items on a desk, books, a hourglass, a flute, a mandolin, and sheet music, 1619-1660.
SVH Trompe-l'oeil still-life, 20 janunari 1664 gedateerd