Sweetly intertwined lies / Red soil
Flowing blood mixes
Sleep deeply
Carve the guilt in your heart and die as you go.
Cherry blossoms in full bloom blooming on my wrist

罪悪 心に刻み 行きながら死ね
手首に咲く 満開の桜

Tendrement enlacé au mensonge
C'est partout pareil
Le sang qui coule déborde
Je dors profondément

Le vice entaillé dans le coeur, je meurs tout en marchant
J'ai des fleurs de cerisiers qui me pousse sur le poignet

"Couvrir les cicatrices avec des cicatrices"
"Obscurité, doute et nature humaine"
"Se sollicitent l'un l'autre comme des fous"

En oubliant la douleur, je m'oublie aussi
Pourtant à présent, la preuve que je savoure s'écoule*


Frigid and pale, my hands are tied behind my back. I can hear his footsteps echoing behind me. The light glistens on my skin from the grate above. He burns me with his cigarette, guiding me with pain. And he stood there, watching, lusting. His desire for human flesh is potent in the air. No one will ever hurt me the way you do. His cold touch grazes my cheek before his fingers enter my mouth. His scent is hypnotizing. Sweat pours down the edge of my back. He grabs my hair, pulling my head backward and whispers into my ear. “I want to watch you suffer.” “I want to feel your pain.” He turns around, revealing his scars all over his body. No one will ever hurt me the way you do.

*** SADIST ***

Carve your name into my skin. 
The lacerations open as he drags the glass down my arm, leaving the shard stained in blood. 
The air grows cold. I couldn't bear it. 
I couldn't bear reality. 
His tongue caresses the open wound, I feel his hands wrap around my neck. 
Bringing a sense of stillness, the wind passes through the broken window above as I suffocate to death.


A life misled. My body, so still. The stagnant blood surrounds me. 
I find peace in silence. 
In a search for a “God”. 
Another state of being. 
I search for heaven in the ceiling, but all I’ve found is an endless sea of black. 
I feel myself letting go. I submit myself to what the world chose for me. 
My eyes roll back. The terror begins. 
I follow the light. 
There’s nothing at the end.

蜷局TOGURO gaze
Experiencing nothing but a loss of control     is painful
I’m finding it hard to breathe; I'm being choked

This exposed wound     drips with misplaced affection


This page aims to develop a character named : Ruby.
Through this journey, we delve into the depths of Ruby's complexities, striving to illuminate the pathways of their mind, guiding them towards newfound understanding and enlightenment.
(May have mature content +18)
~~~ * ~~~

Cigarette in his mouth, he crossed the street at a red light, his eyes tightly closed. As usual, deep down, he secretly wished to be hit by a truck, hands in pockets, breathing calmly. Go on and crush me. He walked straight ahead.
Stay calm. Breathe. The bus stopped.
No luck. He continued on his way, and once his head was engulfed in the crowd, the looks turned towards his imposing stature, his natural eccentricity, his fiery hair with the scent of stale tobacco, sweat, and shame.
The city is noisy on sunny mornings. Normal humans go shopping, occupy themselves with distractions, enter stores, buy products only to end up unhappy and eventually blame themselves. It's not even their fault. They drool over things they don't really need, as their closets overflow with useless clothes of mediocre quality, manufactured by exploited factory workers. They buy useless things and pretend to belong to a social class, they speak loudly, too much, they boast or complain about their lives without taking the time to listen to others. They don't even mean to, it's not even their fault.
Society has conditioned them this way. We live in an era which everything around us seems absolutely normal and acceptable, we are just so used to it, and it would require too much effort to change things.
We are victims of our own fate. But we are weak and afraid of change. So we find it easier to lock ourselves in our illusion, which accidentally becomes our reality. Many people are stuck between this false reality and nurture their own little fiction of the world without caring about the real problem. There are far too many of us who are completely lost in this infernal cycle.
But not me. I wouldn't get lost. Because I have no road to follow. The path I decided to walk on, I'll keep continue this way.
And I'm aware that my body and heart could be torn apart or shattered on the dirty asphalt of a boiling city by a random accident that could simply happen. A total coincidence. Losing my life along the way.

~~~ * ~~~

« To live is to take risks. »

Impulsive / Calm
Confident / Inconfident
Loner / Social
Down to earth / Detached
Pessimist / Optimist
Introvert / Extrovert
Life lover
Freedom / Control
Intense / Scattered
Live day to day / Future projection
Wake up early / Stay up at night
oh to be trusted... hurt lost dark i hate ppl
i would rather be hated
"When I met them, it was in intense odd, uncommon conditions. I've been looking for myself, for my identity, my desires. My needs. It appears that you attract people who essentially have the same core as you, the power of an aura. Paradoxally, you are also attracted by the exact opposite. An balance between Harmony and Chaos, they say. Something that rules the world as the dimensions has a indeniable control on you. That is why and how we try to detach the connexions of ourselves to connect more with others. We met in a ritual. Not like, that I've been part of a cult, but it was more simple based on our logical issues of reuniting people that could trust you, understand you, support you. Life valorizes association. A human alone has less chance to live a long life. We need each other. The fire has been given to light our paths, to brings together life. Thats is how I found myself sitting around a table with candle in the centrum. We all are sharing the same interests in a way, we were infinitely conscious of the void that wander in our world. We were looking for filling that emptiness."


for your health, safety

STAY AWAY !! from me, from my partners, from my world

" You will never catch me..."

I lost interest. That annoying 
feeling when it seems you understand things a little bit
too well.

"When I love, I love too much...
when i drink, i drink too much..."


I wish I could share my point of view with someone
Loneliness hits harder than usual, maybe is it the cold colour of the sky that make me feel this way ?
Humans aren't mean to live isolated but I keep distancing myself from my lover's one to not getting hurt. To not seeing myself vulnerable. I am thinking too much. Where was the time when love was a simple feeling ? Relationships kill my heart and I'm seeking for it again.

Encounter K :

Putain. Je me lève de ce lit, les draps sont mouillés, déchirés et les bords ont sautés. À coté de moi, est allongé une muse, ses cheveux flamboyants sentent le shampoing de sa toilette précédente, ils sont emmelés. Il dort paisiblement, les yeux clos. Une corde blanche enroulée autour de son poignet, les draps mauves, les coussins éparpillés.
Il m'a demandé de devenir son esclave sxuel, et j'ai accepté. Pour l'expérience, pour voir ces murs rouges tant vantés et entendus.
Son environnement est organisé, et son caractère est très droit, franc et il aime tenir tête : je n'avais aucune chance de me battre contre lui. Il souffrait de solitude, n'aimait pas être marqué (d'autres conquêtes ?), et son atout, son arme est le charme infini de sa chevelure. Aussi sublime de Die ou Kami, sa tête était ornée d'un halo diabolique et l'intensité de ses gestes étaient relatifs à son manque. Je ne le connaissais pas plus que ça, et ne voulait pas réellement entrer dans sa vie. Il a son rythme, ses habitufes, passions et obsessions, et malgré moi, j'étais attiré par lui.
Lorsqu'il a déroulé ses cheveux devant moi, j'ai bien cru qu'il m'enfonçait un couteau dans le coeur. Je n'ai jamais vu un tel spectacle. Je me suis dis qu'il pouvait faire de moi ce qu'il voulait, car l'occasion de se faire touché, regardé, utilisé par un tel être, était le fantasme le plus vivant qui sommeillait en moi.
 Ses mains sont toujours glaciales, il a le fumant. Je souhaite de toutes les parcelles de mon être qu'il me brûle, me déchire, me tyranise, enfonce sa main dans mon esprit et arrache tout. Je le regarde fumer. Nos lèvres se joignent, ma main sur son torse, je le repousse. Je veux qu'il me tire les organes, alors je tire ses cheveux, défait sa natte, mords dans ses joues, ses oreilles, le coin de sa mâchoire. Qu'il aime ou déteste ça, il me fait payer. J'enfonce mes ongles dans ses poignets, il me fixe intensément du regard, me perce avec son iris. Sociopathe. Psychopathe. Fou. Il est entre le monde et la NaissanceE. J'ignore si il sait ce qu'il fait. J'ignore si il sait que j'ignore. Il m'embrasse sur mes lèvres déjà meurtries. Me mords les lèvres, poussa sa langue dans ma bouche. Je déteste ça. 

Après nos ébats, j'ai l'esprit confus. Je ne sais où me mettre. La pièce me semble plongée dans un espace intemporel, irréel.
Nous sommes des adultes à présent. Ici, la drogue est abondante, nous n'avons plus besoin de chercher, elle vient à nous, tombe dans nos mains, dans nos poches, dans nos veines. Les injections le calment. Je sens couler l'orgasme, le malsain qui s'échappe par mon souffle.
Les phrases du style ' je t'aime ' semblent fausses, dénuées de sincérité. Je ne suis qu'objet, et lui un utilisateur.
Et pourtant, j'ai envie de le lui dire. Lui dire qu'il n'est pas seul. Il est dos à moi, et serre le coussin dans ses bras.

Je me rhabille, range un peu la table du salon, inspecte une dernière fois les lieux. J'inspire la fumée, expire la cendre. Je sors.
Les escaliers sont troubles, troisième étage, je descends. Ouvre la porte, traverse. La lumière est éclatante. Je remets convenablement le col de ma veste, et me fonds dans la foule.

Encounter N :
A long drag. Il tire sur son joint, laisse la fumée prendre racine dans ses fibres. Je sens de la tension, nous ne nous connaissons pas.
Les hommes veulent toujours m'embrasser en premier. Et dès lors, je cède. Les intentions ne sont pas claires, mais dans ma tête, tout est logique, anticipé.
Je glisse contre son torse, pose ma main sur son coeur. Ecoute. Il m'embrasse encore, je lui demande "pourquoi". Il embrasse mal, mais il est doué de ses mains.
Nous joignons nos intersections, il me méprisait avant avec sa musique, avec ses jugements, avec notre différence d'âge. Nous sommes à présent synchronisé, pour un court moment. Il inspecte mon corps las, je ne regarde pas le sien. Du moins, pas encore. Les murs grésillent, je ne rêve pas.
J'aime la tension, car il est plus amusant de séduire que de sauter sur sa proie. Je le regarde. Je veux me souvenir de son visage. La texture de ses cheveux est si unique.
Un homme aux cheveux longs, androgyne, totalement dépassé par les conventions, il est sauvage, bestial, séduisant. Il ne laisse pas de marques ; il ne se défend pas. Je veux lui laisser des marques bleues, noires, violettes. Lui couper dans la chair, voir son sang, car c'est son métier et le mien.
Il sait parler, il connait sa valeur. J'admire son potentiel, son expérience. Nous nous sommes écrit des lettres.
Le lendemain, il me regarde et me dit que ça lui fait peur. Je l'embrasse.
Ses mains sont chaudes, et j'ai tant de questions à lui poser.

The clock

Buckle sounds, clic-clic
He wears a watch on his wrist, tik-tik-tik
It echoes in my head, near my ear
As his eyes are watching me deep in my soul
His hands against my neck. I suffocate
As I beg for silence

Spinning, spinning Under the swirling clouds Spinning, spinning I dance in a spiral Causing such a commotion, it clatters, clatters Causing such a commotion, it clatters, clatters That spiraling sound echoes tonight Spinning, spinning It surrounds me Spinning, spinning So, why don’t we play? Causing such a commotion, it clatters, clatters Causing such a commotion, it clatters, clatters These spiraling sounds are caused by our obscene disturbance Taking my hand in yours, entwined together, we paint [this picture] Of these "dirty stains", how many are like "you"? What’s the reason you’re always ridiculing me? The sound of your sing-song counting never ends I’m the one you’re forcing to dance Experiencing nothing but a loss of control is painful I’m finding it hard to breathe; I'm being choked It repeats over and over, until nothing is left but this "cat’s cradle3" It continues spilling from your parted lips, more and more I recognize that sigh... Tonight, death plays a trick on someone whose name he doesn't even know This exposed wound drips with misplaced affection [Spinning, spinning It surrounds me Spinning, spinning So, why don’t we play? Causing such a commotion, it clatters, clatters Causing such a commotion, it clatters, clatters These spiraling sounds are caused by our obscene disturbance] [Taking my hand in yours, entwined together, we paint [this picture] Of these "dirty stains", how many are like "you"? What’s the reason you’re always ridiculing me? The sound of your sing-song counting never ends] [Of these "dirty stains", how many are like "you"? Of these "dirty stains", how many are like "you"? Of these "dirty stains", how many are like "you"? Of these "dirty stains", how many are like "you"? Of these "dirty stains", how many are like...?] To lose something for the sake of something else you want How scary It’s unbearable [I’m the one you’re forcing to dance Experiencing nothing but a loss of control is painful I’m finding it hard to breathe; I'm being choked It repeats over and over, until nothing is left but this "cat’s cradle" It continues spilling from your parted lips, more and more I recognize that sigh... Tonight, death plays a trick on someone whose name he doesn't even know This exposed wound drips with misplaced affection] It hurts, it hurts... It seems it’s not "you" It hurts, it hurts... But it’s still not "you"
安息に狂える春色 忘れてしまえるものならば 朽壊の美に両目沈め 只 孤独なのだと笑える 第三に飼われる春色 息潜め泥濘を泳ぐ バタ足で溺れてゆく様は想像通りでつまらない 現実を殺す利き手より 容易く傷を付けれただろう 名を埋めて 腐敗した根が水面揺らす 歪むように廻る歯車 軋む音に耳を傾ける 綺麗に狂えてるだろうか 全ては禁句の浅い海 鮮やかと見間違える程 汚れ さようなら 無法の闇に堕ちてゆく さようなら これで終わり 涙 涙 涙 慟哭の雨 虚無と向き合う度溢れ 綴る言葉が滲む 涙 涙 涙 いつかは涸れ 静寂に殺される 影踏みの終わりに血迷い 腐敗した根が水面揺らす 歪むように廻る歯車 軋む音に身を投げ気付いた ソレと似ている事に気付いた さようなら 無法の闇に堕ちてゆく さようなら これで終わり 涙 涙 涙 慟哭の雨 虚無と向き合う度溢れ 綴る言葉が滲む 涙 涙 涙 孤独と散る 静寂に生きるなら 二度と笑えぬ様に刻んで 刻んで 刻んで 貴方を愛した私がいる 貴方を見つめた私がいる 貴方を求めた私がいる 貴方を失くした私がいる 私を愛した貴方がいる 私を見つめる貴方が 私を壊した貴方がいる 私を奪った貴方がいる 私を殺した貴方がいる 私を殺した貴方が 私
Mournful Wilderness
If colors of spring, savage in my calm, were something I could forget,
I would immerse my eyes in the beauty of degradation, and only laugh because of my solitude
Colours of spring are for others–holding my breath, I swim through the mire
As expected, drowning when I can swim is pointless
Through this hand that kills reality,
I could’ve easily inflicted damage
I fill in my name
Decayed roots stir the water’s surface, gears turning as though warped
I hearken to the grating sound and wonder, can they neatly go off course?
Everything is a shallow sea of taboos, so impure that I mistake it with brilliance
Goodbye, I fall through lawless darkness
Goodbye, this is the end
Tears, a rain of lamentation, overflow every time I face nothingness
And words I’m composing blur
Tears, eventually they’ll dry and I’ll be killed by silence
At the end of this game of shadow tag, I lose my mind
Decayed roots stir the water’s surface, gears turning as though warped
Throwing myself towards the grating sound, I noticed, I noticed that I look like that
Tears, a rain of lamentation, overflow every time I face nothingness
And words I’m composing blur
Tears, they fall with loneliness, and if I’m to live in silence
I bear in mind I’m never to laugh again
There is me who loved you There is me who stared at you
There is me who sought you There is me who lost you
There is you who loved me There is you who stares at me
There is you who broke me There is you who seized me
There is you who killed me

Si on appelle cela de la dépendance

La porte est fermée et je suis seul
Toi qui es enlisé dans la boue, je t'ai vu en rêve
Laissant tes bras tremper, enroulés autour de la baignoire
Le double des clés qui a été laissé, caché dans ta bouche

Ce rêve que j'ai raconté et le rosaire
Dans ma nuque... Reste la marque de ta morsure
La nuit dernière mon coeur s'est envolé
Ton regard froid, le silence, tu m'as complètement rejeté

Tu relâches mon cou
Et je pleurais
En te regardant rire
"Je vais te tuer" dans cet amour

Si on appelle cela de la dépendance, alors je brûlerai en enfer
La forme que tu cherchais... Laissons-nous pousser des ailes, pour s'envoler
Si on appelle cela de la dépendance, je me noierai profondément dans les abysses
N'y a-t-il pas de raison de se tourmenter pour la forme que tu cherches ?

Je me réveille et je suis seul
Le rosaire que nous avions choisi est éparpillé
Hier tu avais un regard froid alors que je ne pouvais pas me souvenir des derniers mots

Si on appelle cela de la dépendance, je brûlerai en enfer
La forme que tu cherchais... Envolons-nous en nous laissant même pousser des ailes
L'amour et le rosaire éparpillé... Tu ne disais pas un mot
A mon chevet, une photo de ce jour était posée

Si on appelle cela de la dépendance, alors je brûlerai en enfer
La forme que tu cherchais... Agenouillons-nous à tout instant
Si on appelle cela de la dépendance
La forme que tu cherchais... Je vais l'effacer


We will see eachother and we will making out 
and then we will never see again eachother 

Open the door


You have a good taste

I not crazy am you are (TK Ling tosite sigure)

I want to show you the nerves that are about to destroy me, I want them to blend into my memories.
破壊しそうな神経を君に見せたいんだ 記憶に混ざりたい

You fake, stir me up I want to show you my Suicide phenomenon
偽者よ 僕を掻き回してよ 君に見せたいんだ 僕のSuiside現象

Someone is changing me, I'm getting tired of you
誰かが僕を変えてしまう 段々君にも飽きてきた

The inside of my head is bright red, and a page somewhere feels like it's about to explode.
頭の中が真っ赤になって どこかのページが今にも破裂しそう

You are behind me, silently staring diagonally into someone's consciousness.
君は僕の後方 誰かの意識を斜めに黙って見つめてる

In the landscape that seems to be in reverse, only reality is now gone.
逆相している景色の中では 現実だけ 今 無くなって

There's always someone in my head saying, "You're already crazy."
いつも誰かが頭の中で 「君はもう狂ってる」って

I want to show you the moment I destroy the world just the two of us.
破壊していく瞬間を君に見せたいんだ 二人だけの世界は

Your line of sight collapses and you can no longer see me.
君の視線は崩壊されて 僕が見えなくなっていく

Stir me up, you're the one who's gone crazy
僕を掻き回してよ 狂ってしまったのは君なんだよ

The sadistic summer is over and we're passing through the gray sky
Sadisticな夏は終わって グレイの空を通り越していく