~ The room of Ann's tea party ~

" I’m Ann from North Carolina, and I’m currently taking a gap year before I go into college for accounting. M y main interest right now is gothic and old-school lolita fashion (my favorite brands: Moi-même-Moitié and Rusanjin’s Room) and history (especially Victorian England, as well medieval Europe and ancient China to a lesser extent). I also like reading, mostly historical fantasies pertaining to those time periods with a bit of romance and lots of descriptions of beautiful dresses. I think a lot of my interests come from a desire to feel like a princess, living a peaceful life in the palace.

I notice that I start collections easily. Looking at my room, it’s easy to see large collections of earrings, makeup, and stuffed animals even though I don't necessarily try to get them. As for my more conscious choices, I’m currently collecting Cherished Teddies figurines (I love anything with a teddy bear motif!) I also collect cute drink bottles, which I had a lot more of before I had to get rid of many of them to make space. I’m beginning to collect playing card decks too, despite not knowing how to play many card games. It started with a basic deck I kept on hand for game nights with friends, but I’ve recently added a Shazna deck and I have an onsen-themed Rilakkuma deck on the way as well.

I like collecting magazines, photo books and CDs from the v-kei bands I listen to, which are Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Mois, and Shazna. Shazna is a favorite of mine in terms of both music and merch. They have really fun collectibles that I don’t see as much with Mana’s bands (those cards for example, as well as things like pencil cases and ink stamps). I also love Shazna’s pamphlets and photo collections because their photoshoot concepts are super cute! They have a bright nostalgic feeling, very different from Malice Mizer and Moi Dix Mois. The darker gothic tones in those bands are lovely too though, and I enjoy the contrast a lot.

In terms of what I’d like to add to my room: shelves to display my teacup collection. A collection of sea glass art, which I started liking when I bought a piece in the NC Outer Banks this summer. Art and things related to lighthouses, which I already liked but started loving in earnest when I visited some in the Outer Banks. A Moi Dix Mois lightstick, to go next to my Mamamoo one (I would start a lightstick collection if I had the space). Pretty things to fill up the walls, but especially Catholic art (which I find beautiful and cathartic to look at as an ex-Catholic) and classical Indian art (which I take a lot of pride in as an Indian). Maybe a rug, if I ever find one I like enough. "