Prélude à la Drache en La dièse mineur - Déhà
Kumo to Rouba To Shoujo - Jigoku shoujo
Rouille - Déhà
Déprime et sobriété - Déhà
Misan - Déhà
Dusk in us - Converge
Shining in the Sky - Clannad
fade - Sweet Pool ost
Roaring Tides II - Clannad
My mind is becoming darker when the sun dies ; Noted everything I don't talk about ; Nonsense speaking ; Everything is decaying, including myself ; This is not me ; Only partial ; There is something wrong ; Perceived and judged ; Awkward, everyone should stay away; NRV - Nos rares vies - Notes Rares Véritables - Nos Rituels Variés - Nos Résultats Véritables ; Trying to synchronize with myself... ; Can't save the world, can't even save myself ; We all die in the end ; Doing it at what cost ? There is no return ; Terror hums ; i hate my body i hate my body i hate being sick Losing everything