Chat Anonymous

Choose your partner and chat with them ! (^ w ^*)
Securised network by

Choose your partner and chat with them !
(^ w ^*)
Securised network by

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Chatroom (2/2)

- Hey ; I need your services.

- How can I help you ?

- I need...

- Your name ?

- I am Shiro. and you ?

- You can call me Kuro.

If you need me, I'll be your shadow.

- Thank you. Is it possible to ask you to help me ? Now ?

- If you accept it, I will never be too far.

- Can we meet up ?

- Yes. Wait me at the red light district, behind the vending machine.

/anon left the chat.

- Hey ; I need your services.

- How can I help you ?

- I need... you.

- Your name ?

- I am Shiro. and you ?

- You can call me Kuro.

If you need me, I'll be your shadow.

- Thank you. Is it possible to ask you to
help me ? Now ?

- If you accept it, I will never be too far.

- Can we meet up ?

- Yes. Wait me at the red light district,
behind the vending machine.

/anon left the chat.