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Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's list of Metaneeds: Wholeness (unity) Perfection (balance and harmony) Completion (ending) Justice (fairness) Richness (complexity) Simplicity (essence) Liveliness (spontaneity) Beauty (rightness of form) Goodness (benevolence) Uniqueness (individuality) Playfulness (ease) Truth (reality) Autonomy (self-sufficiency) Meaningfulness (values)
Aware : わかっている : Conscient

Connection : 繋がり : Connexion 

Down to earth : 分別のある : Terre à terre

Freedom : 自由 : Liberté 

Future : 未来 : Futur

Synonymes du mot "intéressant" : Captivant Fascinant Attrayant Passionnant Engagé Édifiant Enrichissant Plaisant Curieux Intrigant