Moments of happiness ! | | ! | | | | | ! | | | | ! | ! | | | ! _ヘ、____|_____!_ | | | / _/ _/ _/ |_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ ! | ! | | / _/ _/ _/ _ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | ! | / _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ ! | | | ~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | ___________ | | ! ! | | || | |//| ! | | | || | |/ | | | ! | | | ||__/\ .:| | | ! | | | ! | ||ω・`) . | | | ! ! ! ! |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | | | ! | ! |___________
Be kind with yourself Hydrate your plants and skin Respect your needs Laugh and smile Observe life Learn from your mistakes
- Ruby Throat - in the arms of flower Visit the seasonal journaling blog for more. Visit the June Month blog project 🌼 Visit the Autumnal season blog 🍂 ⋆꙳•❅*°⋆❆.ೃ࿔*:・*❆ ₊⋆ Visit the Winter season blog *゚+。・+。゚*。+。* ゚+。・+。゚ Visit the coming back of spring time ~ (+ my wills to move out) Habits I need to adopt in my life : Saying thanks to the world before eating Waking up early (7am) / Going to sleep before midnight Stop listening at music too loudly after 10pm Answering messages / Communicate directly Remember happy moments / Journaling Sharing knowledge Talking using exemples to support an idea (avoid missing subject) Expressing myself in a clear way Learn to be kind with yourself Wearing cute outfits, brushing your hair, caress your own skin softly Smiling at the mirror, smiling to people in street Taking care of your room, clean up your spaceNémésis : Déesse grecque. Fille de la Nuit, elle est la personnification de la vengeance divine qui s'exerce contre les hommes cherchant à échapper à leur destin.Your immortal lover would be Hestia !
As a lover of the goddess of the hearth, you long for stability and emotional maturity in your relationships. You like the heat of love, but not in the fiery way of passion, but the warmth of looking at a lifelong friend.
What I want for my near future :Finding a peaceful job, being useful for societyKeep collecting items that make me happyMoving in a house with a gardenWalking in the forest and screaming with all my lungsLooking at the clouds Drawing more and being proud of my creations (Letters, enluminures, Still life, skies, woods, moss collages, textiles and fabric fine artworks, serigraphy, printing stickers) Writing letters to friends Admiring beautiful spirited people Taste flowers and lot of tea ! (lavender, lilac) Supporting and being supported Eating seasonal fruits Printing my neocities page in a little fanzine Writing a citizen journalMeeting sensei in calligraphyTravelling and working in travel Making a jfashion and fashion page, asking strangers in street to shoot their outfits Taking beautiful portraits Uploading my photographies from digital camera on NC (done on flickr)Writing a visual novelThinking more positively and sharing good vibes to people Looking at people in eyes Writing beautiful sentence, poems, lyrics Studying new words, concepts Learning more about communication Being able to construct a house, architecture basis Technostalgia project Cultivate eternal & timeless
Dream diary 夢日記 - Remembered that blue bird, Along this highway, Seen through the window, Who are you looking for ? Lone, Lost The wind through your eardrum Feathers paint with fractals The ground is grey Textured by multiple different gravels Gravitation doesn't help you to fly - The little house Leaning on the edge of its mountain - Surrounded by eyes Camera target Everyone is looking Nobody knows Where you hide Inside your eyelids Wounds are open Mouth is closed You scream - Locked inside a room Green sky, dull colours Pale walls of ashes You look for a key The entire space of the room sticks On your skin - Following the rose Under the opened window Glass are blurry It's slightly raining outside Moving to go downstairs Gorgeous old wooden stairs Draped with a long dusty burgundy carpet Opening the door of the garden Green light and natural rainy scent You're looking for statues - I ate the heart of the lover I ate the heart of the meat I ate the heart of the life And i got sick Liters and liters of bile Flooding from my mouth Is life is taking revenge ? - Blue tower, like my bedsheet The elevator of glass lift me up to find my room There was a water pool with lightning and some attracted vehicles that seemed floating around This place was a dream I couldn't find my room so I searched the keys The heat was getting hotter while I was trying to not panic There was no number on the keys So I had to use my head room n° - Picnic tables in a green gymnasium Primary school, cardboard signed plates Fancy concert fair, eyecatching guitar - Culture market and high temperature Folding carpets, lots of fabric Am I looking to travel ? - A hug for someone who needed it - Falling asleep in a couch somewhere, and waking up in a totally forest-like house Being looking for cold water, or that icecubed apple juice Opening the fridge and seeing so many desserts my friends have done (I asked myself : why so many ?) - Took an apple from a stand and crush the cardboard box because it looks so crispy What the fuck is wrong with me The seller saw me and so I said sorry But I explained that I love apples and the crisps and he laughed (I think) - Summer, swimming pool, wind I miss the good old times - Was back at my mom's house There was gusts of wind Received a video on my phone My brother was here, outside The garden was shattered In front of the house, there was so many flowers and a sheep - Sleepy brother, I offered him a cushion and plaid and opened the window so he can rest - Was in the forest with schoolmates, decided to take another way, I sit on a bench. It was warm, I was smoking, then I saw an old friend Gielis. He appeared, and I received many many messages from N who went visit his parent's house. I miss them. I also wanted to visit my parents. Then I started to walk and some flying bugs were disrupted me, I had to walk back because I forgot my pullover somewhere. Then I saw Juliette running and playing a ball game with my teacher, I walk to their ways, it was a course and I was late so I sprinted and the schema of my solitude was proven that I grew differently. - Central Station. Civil war. The duo splits. I just wanted to take the train to watch the landscapes, with the high tagged and deteriorated walls. Someone was by my side, consider them as my partner. A bomb exploded and I had to run away on the roof of a train someone tried to stab me and I unconsciously seduced them - Metropole, hide myself in an underground cafe/bar. Dark wooden tables, some paper sheets to draw on. Took my markers, and start to write. My friend, Nz was here, I felt his staring gaze in my shoulder, tense as usual. - We were at the Central station, the large station of train. I was about to take the train, like I usually do and watch the landscapes, with the high tagged and deteriorated walls. But this time, I was with someone, I don't know who, it was someone I consider as my partner, as a duo. Someone I trust, like we were in a shounen-ai story. Suddenly, a war exploded and we had to run away and the duo splits. I lost my half. The half of my heart. My half-soul. I jumped on the top of a train and it starts to leave the station. Someone tried to hurt me, but I unconsciously seduced them. I struggle. It hurts. - Landlord came to visit my place, there was people on my house like a kind of school exposition and each of us had to speak or show something. Friends of mine were animating and suddenly the landlord asked me to show something, a song. Something that speaks my mind. It tookd me some time to decide what I wanted to show, and I was angry because I just had a dispute with someone and ended up a toxic relationship. I played " Sleeping beauty " by Akiakane because I always thought it was one of the most beautiful, powerful, and heartbreaking song I ever listened. - We were joining for a date You wore that little ear cat hat And we were going to a fair together - It was rainy outside, my crush was cleaning my house, I was supposed to take a shower and wear a very comfy pyjamas then I went downstairs and There was this cat I never saw that we let entering in the house It has colours of cocoa milk - Had to move from this house My ex was here, trying to take back all his craps and I helped them Maximalism dusty vintage items - Often I dream of that attic Very dusty one, with ropes or spider webs all around the ceiling Old wooden furnitures I feel in peace there... Outside stairs from the trees to the garden Events such as flea market in my street People are happy... - Glass table, a computer and a clean setup, room to install myself at desk Podcasting very funny one What is happening in the others rooms ? - Authority and dominant system radically decided to poison "people" like us And so they injected in our veins, a slow drug destined to kill us I was laying in a hall with thousand of people, dying but we were monitored in individual bed, Trying to sleep and never wake up - L+na came hug me and saved me from this melancholy It was dark outside, and I couldn't see anything But I felt her solarity and warm hug - Je cherchais un endroit où me cacher, entre sa tringle de vêtements ou la table de son salon avec les canapés en cuir de mon père et le sol carrelé froid et poussiéreux... Cachée sous la table de son salon, il m'a trouvée. Il n'était même pas fâché. De savoir que je m'étais introduite chez lui alors qu'il rentrait de voyage On aurait dit la maison de ma tante de la personne que je considérai comme ma tante quand j'étais petite, mais j'étais chez Y __ I dreamt that I was with someone i met in primary school M.Corn et les douches communes orange lightning for public restroom shower (ew) make a very weird vibe __ Les petits insectes crieurs Se cachent-ils 1) dans mon oreille 2) au rebord des fenêtres 3) au dessus de ma tête __ Poèmes en vers dans un très grand livre avec un ours Table en bois et rideaux de dentelles Rien autour __ I went outside my mom's garden and there was a rave party atmosphere but the very end with orange cloudy sky and a fire __ Grand pré, un champ de scout vert Les coussins du cercle OPAC, une structure massive aléatoire et confortable Pleins de moutons et de chèvres !!! Je suis assis.e près de Em On a des amis, on est amis Petite chèvre brune aux pupilles horizontale, on dirait qu'elle sourit presque __ I dreamt that my mother accidentally killed my cat woke up in tears __ Holidays in snow moutains, ski and picnic tables outside Shadi and Juliette and all the crew were there, doing homeworks It was so recomforting to see them, their personnalities haven't changed No one betrayed no one We were the real ones what about now ? __ Lots of bunnies in my garden Feeding the birds __ My brother invited his friends at home And we had a secretive good connection They were all so hungry and i opened the window and give them one yaourt To me and my bro that was hilarious __ Coughing blood Black blood, was tired Exhausted in my own dream I started to cry My friend (J adult) asked me if i was okay I pathetically answered that I feel sick __ Went to ask information in a ski souvenirs shop and the vendor was actually friendly, The urge to play guitar, so we draw a classical one on a paper and struggle to play Long hair girl sleepy on my laps... __ It was Halloween eve and I was hanging out with a tall vampire They wanted to keep me hand for dinner, but it was not a joke I was scared and decided to learn metalwork to make a hand looking jewerly with the "repoussé" technique for them Like an antique metalware hand clip... __ Deep blue skatepark, roller paint everywhere Ashtrays everywhere Large cool sofa Huge playroom Not a shadow of inequality __ Tragic dream cinematic horror Where trains overflow humans To eat we wait at the platforms and murders and accidents are committed with each train passing __ Notebook archives, a white dress young girl at the window (is she committed suicide), big friendly blue spider Reminiscence of lost time __ ring ring Someone is behing your door rong rong You played dead ring ring Everyone knows you live here rong rong Everyone knows you are here ring rong Someone is trying to reach you But you have no idea of their intention You can't hide because everybody knows your show Being abused in your own home __ Endives, trois peluches canards, dessin "Oh waw voir ces peluches rassemblées me font déborder de bonheur !!" __ Made a dream the night of 8 march my stomach hurts and I feel something was living inside but it was to late to get a surgery and remove it So my destiny was just go keep the thing inside me until it kills me, get expulsed by my own body or until it dies __ Pho soup, rice flat noodle : bánh phở Been dreaming of cooking pot under the roof of a last floor (like my previous appartement) Being able to see through the walls, observing the neighbourhood, and even teleport Teleported in another land, far away where spring flourish earlier and enjoying sakura trees blooming at night (or early in the morning) quiet quietly, the petals dance and falling on the streets __ My brother brought me a guitar because I was sick